A downloadable TTRPG Map

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Want to run a Table Top Role Playing Game set in the Spencer Mansion from the Resident Evil Remake, originally for the Nintendo GameCube? Well, here it is!

I used DungeonDraft by Megasploot to create this map. There are several versions of this map that spent a very long time trying to faithfully recreate the Mansion as best I could with the assets I could find. I had to take some liberties and made a few changes to some parts of the map to make it adhere to a grid that is more suitable for a grid. As well, some floors and textures I couldn't find good alternatives so I had to make my own. All other asset packs I paid for or were free to use. 

There are several versions of the map that I made available. I made the base version of the map as "Pay what you want", but I humbly ask for a few bucks for the more advanced versions of the map as I spent many, many hours putting this together. However, I am sure if you know how to tackle dynamic lighting and layered maps in VTTs yourself, the base version should be more than sufficient.

Each version of the map includes 5 map images including maps of: the 1F, 2F, 3F, Roof, and B1.

The different iterations come in the follow types:

  • With or without a grid 
    • (Many VTTs already implement their own grids, but some folks prefer to have it. The dimensions are provided on the file name to help align the grid.)
  • With or without lighting 
    • (Use the lighting version for immersion, or you can import the non-lit versions to dynamically light it yourself)
  • Transparent floors or stacked 
    • Transparent (for layering in VTTs like Foundry/Forge if you want the whole mansion on the same "scene") 
    • Stacked (Non transparent images. Makes the floors "stacked" on top of each other so that you can have the different images as separate scenes. Ideal for more simple VTTs like Roll20 or for printing.

Additional files and images available. All these items are free to use:

  • Placeable Item Tokens
    • I am including a bunch of tokens for moveable items and secret passages that open up. This way you can use these items to place throughout the mansion.
    • Included tokens are: Blue Gem Statue, Broken Statue, Green/Red/Blue Herbs, Knight Armors, Peridot Arrow Grave Top, George's Grave (cover basement entrance), Sliding Wall Trap in Art Room Statue, Map token.
  • RE Wiki Images
    • I used and referenced the Resident Evil wiki a lot when building the campaign and use a lot of images for my VTT. Most of these images are screenshots from the game that were hosted on the wiki.
  • Jewelry Box and Clock Puzzles
    • I photoshopped and cut these images myself for my players to use when solving some of the puzzles. These were screenshots I took myself and edited in Photoshop. 
  • Mansion Screenshots
    • A bunch of screenshots of the mansion from the PC port of the game to use as reference or visual aids in your home game.
  • Monster Tokens and Portraits
    • All tokens were made using Heroforge, google or from other creators. I have tokens for all monsters except for the Plant 42 boss.
    •  I have images for all monsters from the wikis and official RE website. 

I am a massive fan of the Resident Evil Remake for the Nintendo Gamecube. It was one of the most atmospheric games and one of the first massive video game remakes that pretty much improved on the original game in almost every way. Ever since I first got into this game and started playing Dungeons and Dragons and other TTRPGs, I became obsessed with the idea of running the Spencer Mansion in a TTRPG format. This was always a challenge to do in a way that was satisfying to me back in the analog days of TTRPGs, but in this new online VTT renaissance I have been able to run my dream Resident Evil TTRPG game. I am using homebrew rules, original STARS characters, and of course this map for the mansion. Figured this would be a fun thing to share with the world in case others wanted to also play RE TTRPG. Or if you just need a huge, spooky mansion for your homebrew game, feel free to use it for that too! 

I also plan to recreate the other areas from REmake. So expect the Courtyards, Guardhouse Residence, Aqua Ring, Underground Caves, and Laboratory in the future.

Please enjoy. I do not work for CAPCOM or own any of the Resident Evil content. I am just a passionate fan and game designer who put all these assets together for a TTRPG campaign set in the RE universe. Please do not use any of this content for commercial use.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Spencer Mansion (grid, no lights, transparent floors) 50 MB
Spencer Mansion (no grid, no lights, transparent floors) 49 MB
Placeable Item Tokens 142 kB
RE Wiki Item Images 31 MB
Monster Tokens and Portraits 22 MB
Jewelry Box and Clock Puzzles 8.3 MB
Mansion Screenshots 77 MB
Spencer Mansion (grid, no lights, stacked floors) 131 MB
if you pay $1 USD or more
Spencer Mansion (no grid, no lights, stacked floors) 128 MB
if you pay $1 USD or more
Spencer Mansion (grid, lights, transparent floors) 51 MB
if you pay $2 USD or more
Spencer Mansion (no grid, lights on, transparent floors) 50 MB
if you pay $2 USD or more
Spencer Mansion (grid, lights, stacked floors) 113 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
Spencer Mansion (no grid, lights on, stacked floors) 111 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more

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