Spencer Mansion Map for TTRPGs

A map of the infamous Spencer Mansion from the Resident Evil remake!

This TTRPG Map is free but the developer accepts your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the TTRPG Map.

Included files

Spencer Mansion (grid, no lights, transparent floors) (50 MB)
Spencer Mansion (no grid, no lights, transparent floors) (49 MB)
Placeable Item Tokens (142 kB)
RE Wiki Item Images (31 MB)
Monster Tokens and Portraits (22 MB)
Jewelry Box and Clock Puzzles (8.3 MB)
Mansion Screenshots (77 MB)
Spencer Mansion (grid, no lights, stacked floors) (131 MB) at $1.00 USD
Spencer Mansion (no grid, no lights, stacked floors) (128 MB) at $1.00 USD
Spencer Mansion (grid, lights, transparent floors) (51 MB) at $2.00 USD
Spencer Mansion (no grid, lights on, transparent floors) (50 MB) at $2.00 USD
Spencer Mansion (grid, lights, stacked floors) (113 MB) at $3.00 USD
Spencer Mansion (no grid, lights on, stacked floors) (111 MB) at $3.00 USD

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